Thursday, 29 March 2012

Possible colour scheme - Duo Green

SVW Parts in the UK had this photo on their web site and maybe this is the Duo Green Colour which may grace my fine body !!

VA Colour Specification

I came across this specification sheet on Bas de Voogd's web site which has a lot of information about MG VAs.


Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Body - framing coming together

The framing assembly is now in hand coming together quite nicely.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Chassis and Fuel tank repainted

February 2012 - With the holidays out of the road, the chassis was stripped back and water cleaned. Since the chassis was sand blasted and painted in 1983, it had developed a few thin paint areas where light rust was showing (it was on its side and the flat areas facing up had this light rust) , this was soon sanded back and instead of a repair paint effort, the whole chassis was repainted. At the same time the repaired petrol tank was repainted however the overflow vent will be modified so some of the repainting will need to be done again. The current vent system on the top of the tank allows you to fill the tank and overflow it easily before you know it.....until a pool of petrol appears under the car !!! (My owner has done this with another VA).

The brake back plates were removed (and sent to SVW Services as these were swapped for ones with automatic shoe adjusters) and consideration given about relining the master and slave brake cylinders with stainless inserts. This is recommended by club members as it prevents the brakes binding if the car had not been used for some time. While in the UK, my ones were sleeved with brass as this was done at that time (1980's). These will be redone in the near future in stainless steel.

Overseas Travel

End July 2011 - With the NZ exchange rate favouring work in the UK, my owner and another in NZ (also with a DHC) combined forces and did a deal with SVW Spares in Hull to renew/furbish the bodies. In my case, new framework, interior and assembly of panels, windscreen etc. A large box was constructed and many body parts less the wings and bonnet, were despatched to Hull. This was my second overseas trip and I look forward to coming back about July/August 2012 to be mated back to my chassis.